Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Parents are on your side (TIB)

Matt E.

Parents seem like they are the bad guys all the time, but they are there to help you. All children at some point in time will get sick of their parents always being in their way. After fifteen years, I have finally come to a conclusion that they are there to help you. They tell you to get off Facebook or IM when you are supposed to be doing homework, and they nag you to do stuff that you don’t want to do. This is because they want you to do well in life and not fail. I believe if you take their advice 95% of the time, you will end up somewhere where you and your parents  want you to be.  
People can view this topic two ways. The first is that parents are not on your side and that they are there to just annoy you, and the other is that they are always on your back because they want you to do well.  I know everyone can relate to this and that everyone feels both ways about this at certain times. 
Obviously no one hates their parents; it’s just that on certain days and certain times of the day, parents tend to get annoying. If you are an only child, I feel bad for you. I feel bad because you get all of your parents’ attention. But if you are not an only child, you lucked out. You are lucky for several reasons;  you do not have to do all the chores such as dishes, and your parents are not watching you do your homework all the time. This can be good and bad.
Right when I walk in the door, my mom asks how my day was. I obviously say the same thing every time, “It was good, mom.” She then asks me what I learned, and I say “nothing.” Because I told her I had a good day, she expects me to do my homework right away and get it done. But what my mom does not know is that I say my day was good so I can go somewhere else and do other stuff. Thirty minutes later she will come upstairs and see how I am doing on my homework. She will usually find me on Facebook or playing a game. She then gets upset because I am not doing my homework. But those times she finds me on Facebook or playing a game are the days that I am upset or stressed out. It is a miscommunication problem. I know that if I told her I had a bad day and I wanted to relax and chill, she would be ok with that.  There are reasons I do not tell my mom about how my day went. First of all, she will ask me a lot of questions if I told her it was bad, and if it was good, she would ask why. Sometimes I tell her, but most of the time I keep it to myself because I am not in the happiest mood to get into a deep conversation. 
In the end, parents aren’t the bad guys. They are the good guys trying to help you succeed in life. They want to be proud of what their son or daughter does. They might be annoying a lot of the time, but if you listen and take their advice that 95 % of the time, I will guarantee you that you will have a good life. A good life to me is a life without stress or drama, and enjoying what you do. Parents can help with the stress part, if you let them, but they can’t help with the social aspect. No one wants parents knowing about your social life at school. It is not that kids are trying to hide it; it’s just that we would prefer to keep it to ourselves. Sometimes parents can give you advice about the situation if there is a problem, but the best thing to do is not to get your parents involved.  My last word to everyone is to appreciate your parents while you have them, later in life, you will wish you had them to support you. 

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