Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Student – Olivia M.

By Shelby M.
Olivia is a new student at New Canaan Country School; however, she is unlike your typical seventh grader. Olivia‘s last school was a boarding school in London, England. She was raised in England after being born in New York City. Olivia loves not having to deal with the rainy weather of England, and she is enjoying the States. She‘s found that the adjustment to New Canaan Country School hasn‘t been too hard. She likes that the Upper School has a lot more freedom than her last school, and loves not having to wear an ugly green plaid uniform. Olivia finds that it‘s a lot easier to make friends at Country School, and that people here are a lot friendlier. Olivia loves eating Pirate Booty and playing field hockey. She also is going to play lacrosse in the spring for NCCS. Welcome, Olivia. We are glad that you are here.

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