Sunday, November 6, 2011

Interview With Brandon S.

I’m here with Brandon S., star running back of the Cougars:
How do you feel about the game on the 15th? We played well; we rose to the occasion after our brutal previous losses.

If you had to pick an MVP for the game, who would it be? Sean M. played an outstanding game of football.

You just had a game against GCDS. What are your thoughts on this game? They’re a good team; it was a good game, and I hope to play them again in the future.

Coke or Pepsi? Neither; I hate soda.

What NFL teams do you like? I only like the Patriots.

 Who’s your favorite NBA player? LeBron James is the greatest player alive.

Yankees or Red Sox? Yankees.

Any shout outs? KK, the coaches, the fans, and the rest of Cougar Nation...
- By James M.

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