Monday, November 28, 2011

Mascot Madness

        You have a problem when your mascot, the cougar, is more commonly used as an insult towards middle-aged divorcées than it is used to describe a large cat. Not only is our cougar the laughing stock of our school, but it has also sparked anger amongst many of our alumni. Those who went to Country School a few years ago remember when we were “The Blue Lightning” rather than “The Cougars. “ The first thing that came to my mind when thinking of this matter was, “I wonder what the alumni would think about the fact that we have painted a feline embodiment of shame in the middle of his basketball court?” so I asked them. All the alumni that I told about the change in mascot had the same reaction. First, they were surprised about the change, and then they were angry. After being informed that a cougar, according to, is “an older woman who seeks sexual relationships with much younger men,” they were even angrier.
            Obviously, there is not much of a choice. We must go back to being the frog that everyone at NCCS loved. Since when was our school off of Cougar Town Road? And when was the last Cougar Town Fair? No, let’s leave the term cougar to the screenwriters on the ABC network, and end the embarrassment that we have brought upon our school, and the anger we have roused in our alumni. -by James M.

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