Friday, March 11, 2011

The Grammy Awards

Caroline F.
The Grammy Awards on Sunday, February 13th were awesome! The results were very surprising and upsetting for girls like Avery Lowe, Jaz Rodriguez, and Charlotte DeLana, as Justin Bieber didn’t win a Grammy for Best New Artist. I was annoyed that Lady Antebellum won so many Grammys over a lot of other people who were better than them! Personally, I really think that John Mayer should have won a Grammy, even if he looks kind of like Johnny Depp when he hasn’t gotten any sleep. Charlotte Murphy liked how Lady Gaga came out of an egg during her show. There was a technical difficulty on the Red Carpet because apparently the egg was supposed to open on the Carpet so that she could walk in her awesome outfit, but the door was stuck and she was trapped inside the egg! She also liked when Mumford and Sons played. Jaz liked Justin Bieber’s “tuxedo outfit.” Charlotte DeLana loved the performances by all the musicians. Peter really liked the Black Keys and thought Lady Gaga’s new song was great.

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