Friday, March 11, 2011

Ask Boris

Q:  My friends and I are fighting, what do I do?
A:  Sometimes you have to make decisions for yourself.  It will make you a stronger person.

Q:  I like popsicles.
A:  Good for you.  There are no popsicles in KGB. 

Q:  Why is there a Colbert and Boris?
A:  That is like asking why is there KGB… you do not ask, you accept. 

Q:  I think I love someone!  It’s you! Do you like me?
A:  Emotions make weak people.

Q:  Why is box smashing so dangerous?
A: Depends on what kind of box… Russian box very dangerous.  Other box not so much.

Q:  Why do only jocks play football?
A:   Because jocks are not smart enough to be in KGB

Q:  Who are you?
A: Who are you?

Q:  If you could be any animal for a week, what would you be and why? I would be a porcupine because they have spikes and they shuffle funny.
A:  If you really want to know, I would be a chameleon… master of disguise.

Q:  What is your favorite thing to do in Russia? 
- Europe Guy
A:  Base jumping in Siberia.  Very cold there. 

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