Friday, March 11, 2011

Ms. Oakes: Extreme Game Show Contestant!

Mayze T.
Ms. Oakes is acting as the director of secondary school placement this year, filling in for Mrs. Victor. Essentially, she is helping seventh, eighth and ninth graders find their next schools. When she isn’t helping all of us out, she likes reading, going to craft fairs and antique shows, and watching movies and TV. Her favorite shows include 24, Glee, Grays Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, and Friday Night Lights. Her all time favorite movies are Gone With The Wind, My Cousin Vinny, Dr. Zhivago, Schindler’s List, and Mr. Holland’s Opus. Before she came to NCCS, she was a chemistry teacher at Staples High Schoolfor ten years. She was in admissions at NCCS for seventeen years. Ms. Oakes says that she is “the proud mother of two Country School graduates.” Her son, Ryan, is a professional magician, and he has performed at school several times. Her daughter, Lauren, is currently in a PHD program at Stanford, studying environmental issues. Ms. Oakes also has two cats. Her favorite books are Three Cups of Tea, The Kite Runner, and Water for Elephants. Ms. Oakes says that this year she is enjoying working with the very students that she first met during the admissions process and “seeing how wonderfully they have grown and matured in their years here at Country School. That’s one of the most fun things about the job…being in the energy of the Upper School building and working with parents and students that I’ve known for years.” A little known fact about Ms. Oakes: in 1980 she was a contestant on the $20,000 Pyramid!

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