Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Lunch Dilemma

Dylan R. 

Overall, our school lunch here at NCCS is quite enjoyable, aside from a few simple things that could be easily fixed. These problems include 8th graders not being able to use a toaster. Hopefully any 8th grader should be competent enough to use something as simple as a toaster. 
Another problem that could be fixed easily is not having everything be whole wheat. Although whole wheat products are very healthy some of them are downright unappealing to most people, for example, whole wheat bagels and whole wheat pasta.
 Lastly, I think that chicken patties and pizza should be served a bit more than they are. I believe, if I’m not mistaken, that we have only had chicken patties once this whole year and pizza about five times. This needs to change. 
What do you think?   Leave your thoughts in the comments section of our blog, or vote in our poll!

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