Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halloween Hangover

On November 5 The Upper School class of 2011 had their first dance of the school year. The theme was "Hang on to Halloween". It went from 7pm-10pm. Being a Halloween dance, it was also a costume party. People came in costumes that ranged from fairies to gorillas, cowboys to graduates, and mice to mimes. There was also a DJ. He was the organizer of the costume contest. First, he split us up into 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Then he would call up each person from one grade at a time. If the dance attendants liked their costume, they would clap and cheer. If they got enough applause, they continued to the next round. Next, two 9th grade judges picked the top three costumes. Finally, the two who got the most applause won! The prizes were free seating for that person for one lunch period. Deciding was hard, but each grade came out with two winners. The winners were:

Seventh Grade - 
Brooke L. as a punk rocker
Kate C. as a pirate

Eighth Grade -
Grant G. as Michael Jackson
Julia M. as the Devil

Ninth Grade - 
Ryan L. as an archeologist
Vlady R. as a Slash

The Halloween dance was so much fun and we can’t wait for the next one. The ninth graders will have a tough job organizing a dance as good as that one, but they can definitely do it.

By Kate C.

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