Tuesday, November 23, 2010

World Traveler Comes to NCCS!

By Mayze T.
Mrs. Platt has the new role of school counselor for the Upper School and the Middle School. She also teaches Life Skills to the ninth grade. Before she came to New Canaan Country School, she was the school counselor at a school in Washington D.C., and prior to that she was a middle school teacher in Hawaii. Outside of school, she likes to run, read, bake, and travel. In the past years she ran in several triathlons, including Ironman triathlons and she has been to many different countries. She has been to every continent except Antarctica, and her favorite place that she has visited is Nepal. Last year she spent New Year’s Day at the base of Mount Everest. She enjoys a variety of books; her favorites range from
Water for Elephants to Into Thin Air, a book about Mount Everest. Her favorite movies are Elf, Christmas Vacation, and Serendipity. When asked about OAT, she says, “OAT was so much fun! It was definitely a highlight [of the year]. [It was also] a great way to get to know some of the students and staff. We were incredibly lucky with the weather.”

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