Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Social Network Review

By Nick M.
     I went to see The Social Network last weekend, and was kind of unsure of whether or not to believe the story.  Nowadays, the phrase “based on a true story” means the film’s plot is very general.  The dialogue is not going to be very accurate, as no one really keeps a record of what they say.  Therefore, the movie has to be filled with mostly fiction, which I thought, in the case of The Social Network, was done very well.  The story was a little complex, as it was basically 4 or 5 large flashbacks and a few smaller flashbacks from two different lawsuits Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg, Zombieland) was in.  The first lawsuit was between Zuckerberg and his former best friend Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield), who was suing Zuckerberg for everything Facebook was worth after—well, you’ll find out if you see the movie.  The other lawsuit was between Zuckerberg and students who claim Facebook was their idea.
    The somewhat comedic script, partnered with superb acting, really sets The Social Network apart from the films this fall.  If you want entertainment in a movie, but not in the sense of mindless explosions and carnage, definitely check out The Social Network.
    Now, about the characters.  Jesse Eisenberg portrays a sense of naïveté as Mark Zuckerberg, like he’s really not sure what reality is, but still manages to be a genius and create Facebook.  He seems to think like a computer, meaning he doesn’t appear to have a lot of common sense.  He even reminds me of Abed from NBC’s Community.
Eduardo Saverin, Mark’s “best friend,” is someone who seems to be slowly realizing that he is being left out of the loop, which makes him seem very lost and distant throughout the story.
    I think the story may be little difficult to follow for some people, but for most people, The Social Network should be just easy enough to follow to be appealing, while still sophisticated enough to be an intelligent film.  I know it was for me.

The trailer for the movie is below:

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