Wednesday, November 24, 2010


By Aisha M.
Sitting, apprehensive, we approach the vast mountain 
Slowly we exit the van and put on our packs 
Trek, Trek, Trek…we are getting closer 
Stairs…nothing but a bunch of flights of stairs 
Panting, Panting, Panting we climb the stairs 
Finally, beyond the tall tall trees, we spot…BLUE SKIES! 
We have reached the very top of the mountain! 
Looking down at all the things that were once smaller than us 
In taking the beautiful sights that were displayed before us 
Waking up early in the morning was very hard to do 
For last night, the wind blew 
Downhill, downhill we shall go 
As well as many up-hills that kept many of us at a reasonable pace 
More beautiful views we did see Mother Nature is so gorgeous, as pretty as can be 
The next morning was the last morning there 
Where did the time go? 
What’s that in the distance? Road! 
We have successfully completed the hike! 
That will be an experience that will forever stay in our hearts

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