Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Student – Tighe M.

By Peter Elkind
Tighe M., a new student this year in the seventh grade, came to our school from Saxe Middle School in New Canaan. So far, he‘s been enjoying Country School very much, and, when comparing it to Saxe, says, "it‘s a lot smaller and the food‘s a lot better." Special thanks to the cafeteria staff. :) When asked about the adjustment, he responded, "it‘s been pretty simple because the kids are a lot nicer and they help you through it."
After a few weeks of school, he has decided that his favorite class is his language, Mandarin. He does say, however, that the different tones are difficult. Another part of NCCS Tighe particularly likes is our sports period and the way that we choose one sport for the whole season. He plays soccer and likes it because "it's a chance to meet [new kids] and bond with them." Tighe also really likes baseball which he plays outside of school. I‘m glad that I got the chance to talk to Tighe and hope that he enjoys his time at New Canaan Country School.

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