Wednesday, November 24, 2010


By Dawson J.

We are visitors to you, but we come not to disturb. 
We simply come to admire your beauty in silence. 
Your leaves turning from pre-school green to a blazing red fire. 
Your spider webs that live out in the open, 
And your spider webs that stay hidden, 
Waiting like a cat, ready to pounce on its prey. 
I wander off into my own little world, but I am still a visitor to yours.
I rest on one of Mother Nature’s benches. 
I take in the water-burdened leaves, sagging to the moist earth. 
I watch leaves spiraling to the ground, like helicopters 
Each one sun-lit and blinding. 
Do you mean to blind me? 
Have I wandered off where I shouldn’t? 
I ask myself, but know that there is no answer. 
And so I wander further into your world, 
And can only hope you will welcome me soon, 
As part of you.

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